Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Out before sunset but don't upsize me!

The day started off good with me finishing my job before lunch time. Then went out for lunch with a friend coz he wanted my opinion on a gal that he was thinking of starting a relationship. Promised him to write him an e-mail but might decide just give him a call later. Returned back to office past 2 after going home to get a registered mail to find that my 'small' boss had took 1/2 a day off. Was thinking back when I tried to get 1/2 off the previous day, she gave me additional work to keep me occupied till minutes before 8pm. Wanted to just declare my 1/2 day off but decided to wait for a mere 2 hours more before heading home.
Reached home slightly past 6pm. A first since moving to the North. Had dinner before setting down to watching the movie 'Upsize'. I really got a kick when they make calls to nutritionists asking how often should they eat fastfood. More than 96% mentioned that they should not eat fastfood and one nutritionist even mentioned that only under circumstance when there is a nuclear war and only fastfood is the only food available should it be ok to take it!


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